Eyedrprices.com exists to help Eye Centres stop continually receiving phone calls from people asking for eye examination / specialised M.Ds prices. I thought to myself “there should be a website where people can look up the prices of eye exams from local eye doctors in their area.” So I decided to put together a group of people to research and collect this information for you.

We strive to keep this information as accurate as possible but realize that we may have some errors. Did you find a discrepancy in the data we provide such as a wrong phone number or exam price? Use the Update a Listing form to notify us and we’ll rectify the issue asap!

We feel this website can quickly save people some money when searching where to make an appointment to see an eye doctor about their condition.  We also realize that a cheap eye examination doesnʼt necessarily reflect the best value or quality for the customer. For this, we also ask that you take time to rate and review your experience from your last appointment with your eye doctor so others can share in your good and/or bad experiences.

We are very happy that you have found our site and hope that you will share it with your friends and family.